Periodic medical examinations – mandatory medical examinations that are carried out in order to ensure dynamic observing of the state of health, timely establishment of the initial signs of disease, prevention and non-proliferation of common, occupational, infectious and parasitic diseases;
The employer, at his own expense, is obliged to organize periodic medical examinations and explorations of workers engaged in heavy work, work with harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions, in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Employees engaged in work related to increased danger, machines and mechanisms must undergo a pre-shift medical examination. The list of professions requiring a pre-shift medical examination is determined by the authorized body in the sphere of health.
Compulsory medical examinations (preliminary and periodic) are carried out by medical organizations with qualified specialists and material and technical resources to perform the full volume of laboratory and functional studies.
Compulsory periodic medical examinations are carried out once a year.
Копирование, размножение, распространение, перепечатка (целиком или частично),
или иное использование материала без письменного разрешения автора не допускается.
Любое нарушение прав автора будет преследоваться
на основе законодательства Республики Казахстан