State regulation in the sphere of safety and labor protection includes:
1) State supervision, control and monitoring of compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the sphere of safety and labor protection;
2) Development and adoption of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan and regulatory and technical documentation in the sphere of safety and labor protection;
3) Creation and implementation of systems of economic incentives of business activities for improving conditions, safety and labor protection, development and adoption of safe equipment and technologies, individual and collective protection of workers;
4) Increasing the effectiveness of state and internal control over compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the sphere of safety and labor protection;
5) Conducting scientific research on labor safety and labor protection issues, by taking into account the best domestic and foreign experience in improving working conditions and labor protection;
6) Protection of the legitimate interests of workers, which injured by work-related accidents and affected by occupational diseases, as well as members of their families;
7) The establishment of guarantees and compensations for hard work and work with harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions that cannot be eliminated at the modern technical level of production and organization of labor;
8) Training and skill development of specialists in occupational health and safety;
9) The establishment of a unified procedure for recording accidents related to work activities and occupational diseases;
10) Ensuring the functioning of a unified information system in the sphere of safety and labor protection;
11) International cooperation in the sphere of safety and labor protection.
Funding action for safety and labor protection is carried out at the expense of the employer and other sources not prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Workers do not bear expenses of aims.
The amount of funds is determined by the act of the employer or the collective agreement.
Копирование, размножение, распространение, перепечатка (целиком или частично),
или иное использование материала без письменного разрешения автора не допускается.
Любое нарушение прав автора будет преследоваться
на основе законодательства Республики Казахстан