Labor standards (time, production, human effort, maintenance, number) are a measure of labor costs and are set for an employee of the appropriate qualification in accordance with the achieved level of mechanism, technology, organization of production and labor.
When developing labor standards should be provided:
State guarantees in the sphere of remuneration of employees include:
The amount of the monthly wage of an employee who has fulfilled the working time standard fully determined for this period and has fulfilled labor standards or labor duties shall not be lower than the minimum monthly wage established for the relevant financial year by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the republican budget.
In case of time-based wages, overtime work is paid in an increased amount according to the terms of the labor or collective agreement and (or) the employer’s act, but not lower than one and a half times based on the employee’s daily (hourly) rate. In case of piece-rate wages, surcharge for work in overtime is made in the amount of not less than fifty percent of the established daily (hourly) rate of the employee. By agreement of the parties for overtime work, it is allowed to provide hours of rest based on at least one hour of rest per hour of overtime work.
Payment for work on holidays and weekends is made in an increased amount in accordance with the terms of a labor or collective agreement and (or) an act of the employer, but not lower than one and a half based on the daily (hourly) rate of the employee.
Each hour of night work is paid in an increased amount in accordance with the terms of the labor or collective agreement and (or) the employer’s act, but not lower than one and a half times based on the employee’s daily (hourly) rate.
Retention from the employee’s salary to pay off his debts to the organization in which he works can be made on the basis of an act of the employer with a written notice to the employee:
Wages are established and paid in cash in the national currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan at least once a month no later than the first decade of the next month.
The procedure for registering downtime and the conditions for paying for downtime for reasons beyond the control of the employer and employee are determined by labor and collective agreements and are set at no less than the minimum wage, due to the fault of the employer – at least fifty percent of the average employee wage.
Копирование, размножение, распространение, перепечатка (целиком или частично),
или иное использование материала без письменного разрешения автора не допускается.
Любое нарушение прав автора будет преследоваться
на основе законодательства Республики Казахстан