Working conditions – conditions of payment, labor standards, performance of labor duties, working hours and rest hours, the procedure for combining professions (positions), expanding service areas, fulfilling the duties of a temporarily absent employee, safety and labor protection, technical, production working conditions, and also other working conditions as agreed by the parties;
Assessment of the actual state of working conditions is based on an assessment of the following indicators:
Assessment of the actual state of working conditions is carried out by the certification committee on the basis of the compliance of the measured parameters of hazardous and harmful production factors with sanitary rules and hygienic standards.
In the absence of harmful and hazardous production factors at workplaces or their actual values comply with safety standards, as well as when fulfilling the requirements for injury safety and provision of PPE for workers, it is considered that working safety conditions at workplaces comply with established labor safety requirements in accordance with article 184 of the Labor Code Republic of Kazakhstan.
“The rules of mandatory periodic certification of production facilities on working conditions”, determine the following working conditions:
Копирование, размножение, распространение, перепечатка (целиком или частично),
или иное использование материала без письменного разрешения автора не допускается.
Любое нарушение прав автора будет преследоваться
на основе законодательства Республики Казахстан