When concluding an employment contract, may be established in an employment contract a condition on a probationary period in order to verify the qualifications of the employee are in accordance with the assigned work. The probationary period begins with the beginning of the employment contract.
The probationary period is included in the work experience of the employee and may not exceed three months. For heads of organizations and their deputies, chief accountants and their deputies, heads of branches, representative offices of organizations, the trial period may be extended to six months.
The probationary period is suspended for the period when the employee was actually absent from work.
If the employee has a negative result during the trial period, the employer has the right to terminate the employment contract with him, notifying him in writing, indicating the reasons that served as the basis for terminating the employment contract.
If the probationary period has expired and none of the parties has notified the termination of the employment contract, the employee shall be deemed to have passed the probationary period.
The employer may carry out the following transfer of employees:
In this transfer, the employee’s mandatory consent to the transfer is required.
Consent to the transfer is not required if the transfer is temporary, temporary transfers include:
Does not require the consent of the employee moving him to another workplace or to another structural unit in the same area or assigning work to another mechanism or arrangement within the position, specialty, profession, qualification stipulated by the labor contract. Changing the name of the position (work) of the employee, structural unit, changing the management structure, not entailing changes in the working conditions for the employee, may be carried out by the employer without the consent of the employee.
Копирование, размножение, распространение, перепечатка (целиком или частично),
или иное использование материала без письменного разрешения автора не допускается.
Любое нарушение прав автора будет преследоваться
на основе законодательства Республики Казахстан